Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How Lisa Faulkner handled her Acne Rosacea?

Lisa first found signs of acne when she looked at herself in a mirror waiting for her make-up to be done. Though her make-up artist magically covered it up with layers of foundation for the time being, she advised Lisa to consult a dermatologist.

The skin experts confirmed that the flushing of her skin was due to Acne Rosacea and gave her the causes in a nut shell.

  • Extreme exposure to sunlight
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Spicy foods
  • Stress

Lisa couldn't attribute her condition to any other cause but stress. She immediately resorted to yoga to calm herself down. Lisa is a testimony to how yoga can help reduce Acne Rosacea. She says from her experience that there is no hard-and-fast rule which can be applied universally to treat everyone suffering from Rosacea, as the causes are different and the treatment differs with the causes. Only by trial and one can discover a permanent cure. But what we need to do without haste is preventing the sudden flare ups, by identifying what causes those flare ups and avoiding it. Once you just ignore them thinking they just look as if you are blushing always, sooner or later, blood vessels may break leading to permanent red veins and painful spots. Lisa also developed bumps on the forehead which started itching later. So the moral of the story is “Blushing is not always fancy!”

Things which caused flare-ups for Lisa
  • Champagne
  • White wine
  • Strong sunlight

Lisa's sudden flare-ups helped her seem as though her face was really burnt from a chips pan in Spooks TV Series

Lisa recollects her role in Spooks TV Series where she was to be violently killed by immersing her face into a boiling chips pan. Scary it may sound, but she just had to put her face inside a pan of dry ice which gave the boiling effect! But the Rosacea flare-ups came in timely to make her face seem as though they were taken-off from an intensely hot water. But Rosacea was not always helpful for her. It started giving out pain physically and frustration psychologically.

Hear it straight from Lisa

“I was initially prescribed steroid cream and the antibiotic Tetracycline, which is often given to treat acne because of its anti-inflammatory properties, calming the redness in rosacea as well as acne. I was told I should take the antibiotics for only a short time as they can lose effectiveness if they are taken for long periods. They worked brilliantly and still do if I do have flare-ups.I was amazed that yoga can be so calming. It helped me such a lot. I used to go three or four times a week, although now it's twice weekly as I don't have more time - but it still works for me.Homoeopathic anti-redness treatments worked for a while then stopped doing so, which was disappointing. I also tried acupuncture, which helped calm me down a bit, but not as much as yoga.”

She says that cosmetics that contain capers  had some positive effect on her skin, but doctors aren’t sure if it would be effective to reach the lower layers of the skin where the condition takes roots from and cure it permanently. Since there is no proven solution for the condition, it’s always better to keep our ears open towards every solution that worked.


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  9. Hi,

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