Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How Lisa Faulkner handled her Acne Rosacea?

Lisa first found signs of acne when she looked at herself in a mirror waiting for her make-up to be done. Though her make-up artist magically covered it up with layers of foundation for the time being, she advised Lisa to consult a dermatologist.

The skin experts confirmed that the flushing of her skin was due to Acne Rosacea and gave her the causes in a nut shell.

  • Extreme exposure to sunlight
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Spicy foods
  • Stress

Lisa couldn't attribute her condition to any other cause but stress. She immediately resorted to yoga to calm herself down. Lisa is a testimony to how yoga can help reduce Acne Rosacea. She says from her experience that there is no hard-and-fast rule which can be applied universally to treat everyone suffering from Rosacea, as the causes are different and the treatment differs with the causes. Only by trial and one can discover a permanent cure. But what we need to do without haste is preventing the sudden flare ups, by identifying what causes those flare ups and avoiding it. Once you just ignore them thinking they just look as if you are blushing always, sooner or later, blood vessels may break leading to permanent red veins and painful spots. Lisa also developed bumps on the forehead which started itching later. So the moral of the story is “Blushing is not always fancy!”

Things which caused flare-ups for Lisa
  • Champagne
  • White wine
  • Strong sunlight

Lisa's sudden flare-ups helped her seem as though her face was really burnt from a chips pan in Spooks TV Series

Lisa recollects her role in Spooks TV Series where she was to be violently killed by immersing her face into a boiling chips pan. Scary it may sound, but she just had to put her face inside a pan of dry ice which gave the boiling effect! But the Rosacea flare-ups came in timely to make her face seem as though they were taken-off from an intensely hot water. But Rosacea was not always helpful for her. It started giving out pain physically and frustration psychologically.

Hear it straight from Lisa

“I was initially prescribed steroid cream and the antibiotic Tetracycline, which is often given to treat acne because of its anti-inflammatory properties, calming the redness in rosacea as well as acne. I was told I should take the antibiotics for only a short time as they can lose effectiveness if they are taken for long periods. They worked brilliantly and still do if I do have flare-ups.I was amazed that yoga can be so calming. It helped me such a lot. I used to go three or four times a week, although now it's twice weekly as I don't have more time - but it still works for me.Homoeopathic anti-redness treatments worked for a while then stopped doing so, which was disappointing. I also tried acupuncture, which helped calm me down a bit, but not as much as yoga.”

She says that cosmetics that contain capers  had some positive effect on her skin, but doctors aren’t sure if it would be effective to reach the lower layers of the skin where the condition takes roots from and cure it permanently. Since there is no proven solution for the condition, it’s always better to keep our ears open towards every solution that worked.

Celebrities with Acne Rosacea and how they faced it

Rosacea, unlike other chronic diseases does not cost you with severe consequences. This infact has been one of the main reasons why people ignore to treat once they see symptoms. But one thing that Rosacea can make you lose is your confidence.If at all you see symptoms of Rosacea, don't vex thinking its only you out of everyone. It's always nice when celebrities talk about their skin problems so that we can get convinced our condition is nothing weird. This post contains celebrities with Rosacea of varying levels who either manage to get technology's help to hide it or try to get cured or simply live with it.

Of all the celebrities whom we suspect to have Rosacea, Bill Clinton is an exception. His doctors themselves disclosed this condition of his in the New York Times. US News online officially said that his nose seemed swollen always with bumps all over chin and cheeks. So if at all you  had cursed him for blushing in public when caught for the sex scandal, better forgive him! It was all Rosacea effect.

For a long time it was unknown that Rosacea was prevalent in the British Rotal family too. Though there used to be much of a buzz about who passed it to whom, Rosacea is not a contagious disease to pass on by contact unless one gets it genetically. Souces say that Diana had reddishness in the skin right from childhood. Prince Charles too has clear symptoms, which suggests why Princes Harry and William have it.But Diana like most celebrities managed to bury the condition under layers of make-up. If you ever get to read the book,  "Royal Fashion and Beauty Secrets"written by Ann Chubb, you will come to know about how she reacted to Rosacea.

W C Fields, the British Comedian and Actor too has extreme acne Rosacea which. His irregularly swollen ugly nose is a testimony to what would result if early symptoms are untreated. He has never taken up the courage to accept the condition. Though he says that his swollen nose is because of fights at the bar at young age. From this, one thing is clear. The alcohol has had its effect on him... if not on him, on just his nose! But Fields didn't have to care much about his looks as people always love odd looking comedians.

Janis Joplin. American song writer and singer who was ranked 46 in the list of 100 Greatest Artists of all time in 2004. Her rosacea's cause could have possibly been the unhappiness that she created for herself. Her mother once described that she was unhappy and unsatisfied without attention. Her skin broke out as early as a teenager which left her friends name her "pig", "creep", "ugliest man in school". Her short lifespan of 27 years couldn't  possibly have  given her the time to treat Rosacea, but she definitely got it intensified with her addiction towards heroin. Perhaps the Rosacea effect  kindled the fire in her to sing.

Lisa Faulkner of Spooks-fame was diagnosed of having chronic acne  Rosacea at the age of 30. Admired for her smooth glowing sking during teens, the news made her desperate about her career. Luckily, she got a make-up artist who skillfully concealed her redness. Of all the celebrities, she is the only one who seems to have bothered too much about the condition, or rather she is the only one who revealed it to the public. From consulting a dermatologist, using aqueous face creams to trying accupuncture, every treatment had failed to give her relief. She prefers yoga to keep her calm as stress is one of the reasons she thinks she got it. You can read all the other treatments that worked and those that failed in this  post.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Acne Rosacea Natural Treatments

So lets see who gets Rosacea - It appears in adults between the age 30 to 60.Also it is very frequent among women than men.But ladies please don't worry there is always a cure for Acne Rosacea.This post is about how to get Rosacea cured naturally or what are the best natural Rosacea Treatments.Though these cures have not given 100% success to people with Rosacea,still they have proven success in many cases.Here are the list of Natural Treatments for Rosacea.

Golden chamomile cream: Creams made from the extract of the herb golden chamomile or Chrysanthellum Indicum have been studied for the remedy of rosacea. Chemicals present in the extract of this herb are found to be quite effective in strengthening the tiny blood vessels, which in turn help in improving the symptoms, including redness in facial area, inflammation, etc. As a part of the homemade natural treatment for rosacea you might follow one home regimen. Take a handful of golden chamomile or a few chamomile tea bags and soak them in 3 cups of boiling water. After 10 minutes decant the liquid part and keep it under refrigeration. Afterwards, whenever you experience any flushing due to rosacea, use this cold extract for cold compress treatment until you get relief. This could work like wonder for you.

Green tea extract: Studies have shown that extract of green tea might leave significant effect over rosacea. Creams made from green tea extract are often used by patients for minimizing the symptoms caused by rosacea. It has been found that creams containing this extract and 2% polyphenone are immensely effective in minimizing the number of rosacea flare-ups.

Creams containing vitamin B: Another natural treatment for rosacea could be the use of vitamin B3 or niacinamide. Topical applications made from this vitamin are found to be extremely useful in improving the strength of our cutaneous layer; also it is known to enhance the moisture level of our skin thereby mitigating the inflammation.

Licorice: This herb is found to be useful in healing the symptoms of rosacea. Creams made from the extract of licorice could heal up the mild to moderate redness of rosacea patients approximately within 4 to 8 weeks.

Enzymes: Deficiency of some enzymes that are directly involved in our digestive process could trigger rosacea in some people. It has been found that some patients with rosacea often get affected by indigestion, especially after the intake of oily or fat containing food items. After medical investigation it has been detected that their body system lacks one pancreatic enzyme called lipase. After the regular administration of lipase supplements along with meals, those patients have shown significant improvements in rosacea.

Azelaic acid: This herbal product is extracted from wheat, rye, and barley. Creams made from azelaic acid are oftentimes used as effective natural treatment for rosacea. It seems that azelaic acid has natural antimicrobial activity which helps to thwart the bacterial growth, which in turn significantly helps to alleviate the redness of the skin and papules and pustules related to rosacea. This natural medication also helps to improve other symptoms including dryness, inflammation, telangiectasia, and itching.

However, this treatment might inflict some mild side effects like stinging sensation on application. It could also lighten the darker parts of your skin, which however would not be beyond its normal texture.

Apple cider vinegar: This wonderful natural product is nothing but the dilute solution of acetic acid produced by the fermentation of apple juice. This popular natural treatment for rosacea is often used orally to assuage this skin disorder. It is believed that apple cider vinegar helps to induce the production of digestive enzymes which in turn help to normalize the bacterial balance in the intestine.

Fenugreek tea: This unique natural product is found to be quite effective in treating rosacea. You might use fenugreek tea available in the store or otherwise you also could get some fenugreek from your nearby grocery and soak them in boiling water for 10 minutes. Decant the homemade fenugreek tea and drink it to help the damages caused by rosacea.

Oatmeal: Oatmeal is also known as a natural treatment for rosacea. This natural product is antimicrobial in nature and quite helpful in preventing bacterial proliferation in the pustules and papules of rosacea. Oatmeal also contains a number of antioxidants which are quite useful to heal the skin damages caused by rosacea. There are quite a few formulations available which contain oatmeal as one of their ingredients which you might purchase from your nearby store to use this natural treatment.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Rosacea got cured Naturally

I am posting this video to encourage all people suffering from Rosacea not to lose hope.Just see this video and find out how this lady(sorry madam i dont know your name) got cured from Rosacea naturally.This lady had not talked about any Acne Rosacea Treatment.So you people might wonder why I am sharing this video.That is the beauty of this blog.It will have very honest reviews,treatment solutions for Rosacea as well as awesome videos like this that will encourage people to lead a happy life.So check it out people.

Know About Acne Rosacea Treatment

I have created this blog to share with people about the cure for Rosacea by Acne Treatments.I will be very honest about all the Acne Treatments for Rosacea in this blog.I will not promote any Acne products and I am not going to sell any Acne Treatment products for Rosacea.I will be sharing about the Rosacea Symptoms and about how successful people have been in curing it with Acne Treatments.I will make sure to keep the blog interesting with all latest informations,videos of people sharing information regarding the treatment.I will also try to get some good interview materials from doctor about the treatment.

One more good news for all fellow readers.Whenever I share any Acne Rosacea Treatment related book it will be absolutely free.I will provide the ebooks with download link.Once again to all readers I will make sure to provide my honest opinions and legit news as I know its a very important issue that people face in day to day life and I dont want to take any risk by playing with it.